Thursday, 20 November 2014

Content and information

In the legislative history of the TA said about personal traffic data is also: It is not the content of calls but for data that can provide insight into the contacts and the Belgian recharge api behavior of people.... However, this does not mean that this is personal and that the person to whom the information relates have the right to a careful use of data, and the right to protection of his privacy.

See the term communication contrast on what is exchanged or transferred and not the data processed to make that exchange or$Owqrs:l6nDmw8k/ transfer possible, the so called traffic. Both the on electronic recharge api communicate are data that enjoy protection under Article of the ECHR and Articles and of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union the Charter.

The European Court the Human Rights hereinafter ECHR ruled in its judgment of April on the protection of email correspondence and Internet: Accordingly, the Court considers That the collection and information Relating to the applicants telephone.

As well as to her email and internet usage, without her knowledge, amounted to recharge api an interference with her right to respect for her private life and correspondence Within the meaning of Article emphasis added by CBP.

Storage of personal

Traffic data from which information about the communication behavior of the individual and sometimes the content of the communication follows data of a sensitive nature.

Are taking In answers to questions, the governments position on the report of the Committee on Fundamental Rights in the digital age is to remark Traffic can say a lot about people. However, this applies to more types of sensitive data.

By its very nature, metering is to recharge api be distinguished from Therefore interception of communications, and recharge api illegitimate which is undesirable in a democratic society Unless Justified.

The Court does not accept, However, That the use of data obtained metering, whatever Circumstances Purposes, can not give rise an
issue under Art Records containerization information, Particular numbers dialed, integral element.
right has the same recharge api

Communications made by telephone emphasis added by CBP. ECHR August, NJ, Malone. De Article of Charter rights guaranteed by Article ECHR which correspond guaranteed. This meaning recharge api and scope as corresponding provision of the ECHR. Article separate protection information.

Therefore, CBP legislative opinion draft bill to amend Article of the Constitution February, are advised to pay closer attention to the exception proposed for traffic. That traffic information society may indeed say a lot of people, but more sensitive data...

The same is true. PUBLIC VERSION Report definitive findings recharge api May, Review The conceptual distinction between communication and traffic is complicated by the increasing interpenetration of the padded communications and associated data in the technical protocols. The distinction between these concepts can be voice still made along the line of technical separation between voice what is said and signaling channel.

Same time both meaning

CBP has determined that these reports contain aggregated anonymous information that can not reasonably more relating directly or indirectly to individuals, not recharge api by or by any other person.

It is therefore in this context, personal data within the of Article, opening words and under of the DPA. Traffic data communication versus The data on and off the data traffic at the personal as communications. Elaboration of the legal framework recharge api In the TA distinction between the concepts of traffic data and communication.

According to Article opening words and under b of the TA, the term traffic data means any data processed for the conveyance of a communication over an electronic communications network or for the billing thereof.

Communication is defined in Article opening words and under e of the TA and recharge api includes any information exchanged or conveyed between a finite number of parties by means of a public electronic communications.

Data on electronic

Opening words and under of the TA, the definition of traffic is a direct transposition of Article, opening words and under b of the privacy Directive. Article., Opening words and under e of the TA.

The definition of communication, is a direct transposition of Article, opening words and under d of the privacy Directive. The
European legislator in the information on Recital of the privacy Directive recognized.

That the distinction between the content of communications recharge api and the related traffic data is no longer as clear as it used to traditional voice telephony networks. This is relevant for the implementation of the Directive.

Recital of the privacy Directive reads: A communication may naming, numbering or addressing information which is included by the sender of a communication, or by the user of a connection provided in order to establish the communication.

Processing of traffic recharge api

When these data are converted by the network over which the recharge api communication is transmitted, to bring the transmission up to stand, they belong to the traffic. Traffic data may include data relating to the routing, duration, time or volume of a communication.

The protocol used, the location of the terminal equipment of the sender or recipient, the network on which communication originates or terminates, to the beginning, the end or the duration of the connection...

Article pening words and under c, of the TA provides that the data processing as referred to in Article b of the PDPA with the proviso that the relevant transactions relating to traffic of recharge api subscribers other than natural persons are not simply personal data. Whether there is traffic data of personal data which are required depend on the purpose of the processing, namely: for the transmission of communications or for other Dole.

Combination with one another

Contact data by means of which can enter into contact with the subscriber, to its identity, IMSI and or IMEI number. Identification can also take place without the name of the person is out of date.

The only requirement is that the data ensure that a certain person recharge api can be distinguished from others. Care In the opinion of the Article Working Party on the concept of personal data is to remark. That although identification through the name of the practice is most common, the name is not necessary in all cases to identify a person.

This is the case when other means of identification are used to distinguish one from others. In computer files containing personal data are included, the registered persons usually assign a unique identifier to prevent mistaken in the file.

The world wide web is using surveillance tools for web traffic recharge api easy to identify the behavior of a machine and thus the user.... In other words, the identification of a person is no longer required or the ability to find out her name. The definition of personal data also reflects this fact emphasis added by CBP.

Specific employee can

Data is linked to a unique number usually employ an individualized person. The CBP also refers in that regard to the consideration in the judgment of the Court of Justice of the EC of November that...

The mention of different people on a web page with their name or otherwise, for example with recharge api their telephone number or information about their working conditions and hobbies, as a whole or partly automated processing of personal data.

Within the meaning of Article, paragraph of Directive recharge api is to be considered. Business subscribers Also company eg the number and company email address of a business subscriber is normally used by a be regarded in some cases as personal data.

Such as the name of the employee is recorded within that company. Data on sole proprietorship and companies trading under its own name be regarded as personal data, when to say something about the behavior of the agenda.

Data referred to recharge api

WP opinion on the concept of personal data of June November Customer web. Privacy Safeguards for Internet, A V study No Registration Board in, and.

In this opinion is further noted identifiability that context, managers often argued that identification will only be a small percentage of collected material recharge api thus occurs before few cases, by processing no personal data. The goal, however, are people seeing video surveillance video, deems necessary all responsible.

Whole process should therefore be considered as data identifiable individuals, some practice are not identifiable. Ibid, PUBLIC VERSION Report definitive findings May, Given the above data mentioned in this paragraph.

Are subscribers prepaid or postpaid data subscription data itself in the unique customer and or device identifier s, in or in conjunction with known recharge api information from another source, in Article, sub of the DPA. The personal data information about the communication behavior of data involved are sensitive hard. Further, processing processes the data further reports from the: to be used for determining the business strategy.

Those of public space

These areas should consult the technical studies recharge api corresponding to future road projects or expansion of existing roads. PARAGRAPH. Undertakings providing public services must obtain license intervention and occupation of public space that is Article 12 of Decree 564 National 2006. ARTICLE 65. Of the essential criteria for the management of public services.

Infrastructure plans, endowments and expansion of public services recharge api should follow the existing policies and regulations, especially with this Land Use Plan in matters related to urban sprawl, the ordering of public space and other provisions urban.

It should coordinate and control the expansion of service recharge api delivery in line with and other infrastructure in the exist in the provision of public services and the provision of other basic infrastructure such as health, education, transport, social, safety and welfare recreation.

The city administration, together with the companies providing public service, timely delivery recoverable in unstable areas of the city, In order to prevent its clandestine or inadequate supply increases the conditions of their impairment and risk.

Networks and utilities components must meet various retreats established or to be established in the relevant provisions, for its location. Shape the development of new infrastructure will meet withdrawals are determined.

Balance that must recharge api

The disposal of debris and waste generated in the city shall comply with the provisions of PGIRS governing the treatment and final current and future provision ARTICLE 66th. Criteria physical character- technician to the location of services public.

The location of utilities will be screened and be conducted in recharge api accordance with the following parameters: The utility networks should be located in places of greater availability or offer of space, whether in the public space or private space agreeing bondage.

Looking areas or sites cause less congestion and impact on other infrastructure, environment and public space. Any proposed network installation must have its corresponding reference space, according to the geodetic network of the city.

should coordinate and define

In order to establish the respective areas or strips of public or recharge api private easements for the passage of networks appropriate and to ensure the acquisition of rights and non use by third. Saturation areas or spaces, on the basis of proven parameter's specialty, discount or functionality, shall be sufficient reason to disallow the location or installation of new networks, but the replacement of existing ones.

No utility provider may use infrastructures support or networking components from third parties, without express prior authorization of recharge api them, for driving or transportation thereof and the conditions under which the parties agree.